• 31 мая 2018, четверг
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WarmUp Q&A webinar: Games Job Fair St. Petersburg

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2157 дней назад
31 мая 2018 c 18:30 до 20:00

We will help you to find a dream job within the Finnish game industry! At the WarmUp Q&A webinar you can share your questions with the likes of Ubisoft RedLynx, Critical Force and Yousician (more companies to be announced soon), and also with our own professional Finnish HR.

It’s time to find your dream job! Ubisoft RedLynx, Critical Force, Yousician and more (companies to be announced) are looking for new talent at Games Job Fair St.Petersburg!

Would you like help to polish up your resume and ask important questions before the main event? Welcome to the WarmUp webinar: where you will be able to join us online, meet and direct your questions to the Finnish game (and musical education) companies, the event organizers and our HR specialist.

The WarmUp Q&A webinar: Games Job Fair St. Petersburg will be broadcasted live on YouTube, on Thursday the 31st of May, at 6:30PM (Helsinki/St. Petersburg time). You can follow the webinar at:  

To increase the chances of your questions being answered, please send us your questions (English) in advance at: goo.gl/forms/vpx3QmW6NagHBzlt1...

We will have a live chat, but please keep in mind that you will need a YouTube channel (account) in order to use the live chat. See you online!

*Games Job Fair St. Petersburg — an excellent opportunity for professional developers to learn more about the Finnish game industry, participate in a unique recruitment event and discuss their opportunities with an HR professional. In addition, the most promising developers will be invited for face-to-face interviews with the participating companies, and possibly, find their dream job at the same day.

Read more about the event at the Games Job Fair St.Petersburg website finnishgameday.com/games-job-fair-s...

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